Advertising & Promotions Policy
In order to provide our audience with the most relevant, trusted and accurate information available, RxWiki accepts advertising and sponsorships from various third parties. To clearly differentiate sponsored versus editorial content and ensure objectivity, RxWiki has created the following guidelines to govern Advertising on the RxWiki Information Network.
For the purposes of this document, the terms "Advertising” and “Advertisements" will include banners, ‘sponsored by’ logos, contextual advertising, sponsored content, and promotions. All third party (sponsored) content must adhere to the RxWiki Advertising policy. RxWiki has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy. RxWiki may change this policy at any time by posting a revision to the RxWiki Network and/or notifying Advertisers. RxWiki’s policy is as follows:
1. RxWiki does not endorse products, services or companies. The acceptance of any Advertisement or Promotion will never indicate an endorsement of the sponsor and its product and/or service being offered.
2. RxWiki has sole discretion in determining the types of Advertising that will be accepted and displayed on the RxWiki Network.
3. RxWiki does not accept Advertising that, in RxWiki's opinion, is not factually accurate and in good taste.
4. RxWiki recognizes and maintains a distinct separation between advertising/sponsored content and editorial/decision-making subject matter. All Advertising, promotional, sponsored or marketing content on the RxWiki Network will be clearly identified as an "Advertisement."
5. Clicking on an ad unit will redirect users to either an advertiser's site, relevant information on RxWiki, or a Sponsored content section within RxWiki. Sponsored sections are clearly labeled as such with the name of the sponsoring entity always displayed.
6. RxWiki reserves the right to reject, cancel, or remove Advertising from the RxWiki Network at any time, and will promptly notify the advertiser to provide a reasonable explanation.
7. RxWiki reserves the right to determine the appropriate placement of the Advertising on the RxWiki Site.
8. It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws, including applicable laws and regulations of regulatory bodies. This includes pharmaceutical advertising to physicians and consumers that must comply with FDA guidelines for Direct to Physician (DTP) and Direct to Consumer (DTC) advertising. Additionally, underwritten CME programs must be labeled in accordance with the guidelines of the Accrediting Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and any other relevant accrediting bodies. RxWiki will not monitor compliance with applicable laws and regulations, but reserves the right to review all Advertising for compliance with applicable laws and regulations. If RxWiki becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law, regulation, or guideline, RxWiki may remove the Advertising.
9. RxWiki will never share personally identifiable information about consumers. It may share aggregated, non-personal information with advertisers regarding how the RxWiki site is used. However, information in these summary reports cannot be linked to individual users.
10. RxWiki, its advertising affiliates, and/or advertising networks may place cookies on a user’s browser in order to deliver more relevant advertising and to control the sequence of ads they see. When RxWiki delivers advertisements, it may utilize age, gender, and location along with the content being viewed as targeting parameters. For more information about how RxWiki protects users’ privacy, please click here for the Privacy Policy.
11. Certain categories of Advertising are prohibited on the RxWiki Advertising Network at all times. These categories include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Illegal products whose distribution would violate the law
- Products that make false or misleading claims
- Alcohol
- Weapons, firearms, ammunition, or fireworks
- Gambling
- Pornography or related themes
- Material deemed discriminatory against a race, religion, or other group of people
- Unreasonable, exaggerated, or unsubstantiated product or service claims
- Advocating a political, religious, or publicly controversial position
- Advertisements that compromise user experience by expanding beyond defined advertising space without user initiation
- User-initiated advertisements that do not close upon scroll off or do not provide a “close” option
12. No Advertising will be allowed on the RxWiki Network that could potentially compromise the reputation of RxWiki or RxWiki’s Network Affiliates.