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Odactra is used to treat allergies related to house dust mites. If you use Odactra, you should also have an in date epinephrine pen available at all times.

Odactra Overview

Reviewed: July 12, 2017

Odactra is a prescription medication used to treat allergic rhinitis (allergy symptoms), with or without pink eye, caused by house dust mites. Odactra is an allergen extract that works to prepare the immune system and prevent allergy symptoms. 

Odactra comes as a tablet that goes underneath your tongue and is normally taken once per day. The tablet should dissolve completely under the tongue before swallowing, this typically takes about a minute. Do not chew, divide, or break Odactra tablets. 

Common side effects of Odactra include itching in the mouth, itching in the ear, or swelling of the lips or tongue. 

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Odactra Drug Class

Odactra is part of the drug class:

Odactra FDA Warning


Odactra can cause life-threatening allergic reactions. You should not take Odactra if you have severe, unstable or uncontrolled asthma. Your doctor will observe you in the office for at least 30 minutes following the first dose of Odactra. Auto-injectable epinephrine should be given to you with training and instructions for use. Odactra may not be suitable if you have certain underlying medical conditions that may reduce your ability to survive a serious allergic reaction. Odactra may not be suitable if you are taking certain medications, such as beta blockers, because you may not respond to epinephrine or inhaled bronchodilators.